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A-1 Refrigerationstarstarstar3.2 / 5

31 Total Reviews /files/a1-logo.png269-375-9003$6461 Valley Industrial Drive, KALAMAZOO MI

A-1 Refrigeration

A-1 Refrigeration/files/a1-logo.png$269-375-90036461 Valley Industrial Drive, KALAMAZOO MI
A-1 Refrigeration/files/a1-logo.png269-375-9003$6461 Valley Industrial Drive, KALAMAZOO MI starstarstar 3.2 / 5 | 31 Total Reviews

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A-1 Refrigeration/files/a1-logo.png$6461 Valley Industrial Drive, KALAMAZOO MI 269-375-9003"The digging done caused a big mess and it doesn't look good. The equipment broke-up my black top driveway in some places you can't drive on it without chunks hitting the car. The digger got stuck and left big holes in my lawn along with busting the drive trying to get out.After it was finished being installed we came home and the temp was 65 when it was set for 70, I could not get the unit to turn on right away and it finally came on but would not go above 67. The next morning the temp was down to 65, I rebooted the thermostat and the temp readout jumped to 75. It seem to hold through the night and the next morning I had no hot water, checked the breakers and found the hot water breaker tripped, I never had this happen before. We will see what the next few days have in store."
from Clayton, MI on April 30th, 2014
5 (3 / 5)
"It was unfortunate at what happen. When we moved the earth moving equipment onto the job site the ground was dry and solid. On the last day a heavy rain moved in. With the ground being clay and wet it was impossible to level out with out it balling up into clunks. As for the driveway the asphalt was already broken up do to age. When the ground was dry we moved the equipment in OK. After the rain and the drive already breaking down, it let the rain in underneath the asphalt where it became loose. So when they moved the equipment out it did ball up the drive in areas where it was not a straight run. We went back tried to straighten out the miss. The problem with the unit was do to the fact that the new thermostat was not working correctly. We replace the thermostat and the problem went away. Thank you Steve "
- A-1 Refrigeration